General background of the college
Tis Abay College is one of the private owned Higher Education College established in 2019 G.C. and commence education delivery in the same year. The College was established under the Federal Commercial Registration and Business License Proclamation Number 67/1997 and Federal Regulation Number 13/1997. The College started to launch three Open & Distance Education Programs (Management, Accounting & Finance and Marketing Management) in Bahir Dar, Gondar and Debre Tabor campuses. In addition, four regular, extension & weekend programs (management, accounting & finance, marketing management & computer science) as well as Masters’ programs will be commenced in 2022 academic year. Currently, Tis Abay college is working in accordance with its well-designed organizational structure. As shown below, the hierarchy in the Institution is clearly visible that contributes for the real integration between and among different office and departments. Sufficient numbers of academic staffs were assigned to all programs. The college focuses on quality Education for all.
Message from Dean
Welcome to Tis Abay college!
Tis Abay College is a private owned Higher Education Institution that started in 2019 G.C. by delivering three Distance Education degree programs (Management, Accounting & finance and Marketing Management). It also provides distance Education from grade 5-12 students. In Ethiopia, Higher Education has changed profoundly in the past few decades. The development of mass Higher Education has brought concerns for standards and quality from stakeholders and Governmental Higher Education institutions. The escalating size of undergraduate students’ enrolment and an even greater expansion of graduate training runs the risk of lowering quality unless major quality assurance efforts are in place within the jurisdiction of Higher Education Institution. The, expansion and enrolment rates of distance education in Tis Abay College are also rapidly increasing. For example, during the past three years, the number student enrolment has tripled. In order to assure quality educational delivery, the College already prepared well documented quality assurance manual and established a quality assurance office to look after its implementation.
The College will soon start to give short term courses in different Computer Software (Peach Tree, Adobe photo shop, STATA, SPSS, AUTO CAD, ARCHI CAD, networking, DBMS…) and Computer programs (Java, C ++, python, Scratch, 3D animation). In addition, it also started to deliver short term trainings in different topics i.e. soft skill, work ethics, business ethics, change management, project management, internal audit & control, coaching & mentoring, entrepreneurship, project team management and other need tailored courses. The College also going to open regular, extension and weekend degree and masters’ programs soon, for the increasing demand of education among the public at large. The College started to become a favorite College among the public due to its well efficient and quality education delivery. The commencement of the College website will be a spring ground for the College to deliver education online soon. Providing quality Education and satisfying our customers is always our number one priority Topic.