Article16. Academic Commission
Each Campus or Faculty shall have an Academic Commission (AC), which is accountable, through the Dean; to the Academic Vice-President (ACVP).The AC shall maintain a proper system of agenda and minutes for its meetings. Meetings of the AC may be called at any time by the Dean or when requested in writing by one-third of its members.
16.1. Composition of AC Members:
1. The Dean of the college (Chairperson)
2. Registrar (Secretary)
3. Assistant Dean/Academic Officer of the Campus/College/ Faculty
4. Heads of teaching departments of the Campus/College/ Faculty
5. Librarian
6. Admin Officer (Finance & Personnel)
7. Distance Education Coordinator / if distance education activities are going on in the campus as a center/

Two members of the teaching staff with the rank of Lecturer or above, elected by the general meeting of full-time teaching staff
9. One student representative
The AC shall be the highest body of a Campus/Faculty for education and research matters, and shall exercise powers as may be conferred upon it by the Senate or the President.
16.2. The responsibilities of the AC shall therefore be:

Arranging for, coordinating and controlling the teaching learning process and the setting/marking of examinations in the Campus/ Faculty in accordance with the rules and regulations approved by the Senate;

Recommending to the Senate the establishment of new programs and modifications of existing programs pertaining to studies and research in the Campus/ Faculty;

Considering and deciding upon all appointment and promotion cases presented to it;

Promoting, encouraging and supporting research works in the Campus/ Faculty;

Recommending to the Senate the graduation of students of the Campus/College/ Faculty;

Approving the annual budget of the Campus/College/ Faculty;

Performing other functions relevant to the betterment of the teaching learning processes and promotions of research in the Campus/College/ Faculty.