Central Registrar Office is accountable to the ACVD and headed by a Chief registrar. It works in close attachment with the Academic Program Office. Colleges/Campuses might have their own registrar office. Registrar shall be academic staff member of departments that offer courses pertinent to his/her qualification.
Major duties and responsibilities of the office are:
- Ensuring uniformity of schedules, courses, formats and the like in all campuses/colleges;
- Preparing and disseminating uniform process guidelines, schedules and formats of students’ registration for all campuses/colleges;
- Overseeing the undertaking of students’ registration;
- Ensuring that the academic records of students are maintained appropriately and systematically;
- Overseeing the issuance of students’ identification card;
- Overseeing that grades and transcript processing are managed appropriately;
- Preparing and compiling a course catalogue for the college;
- Preparing lists of prospective graduates and submit them to the Senate;
- Issuing semester grade reports and certificates of graduation every year;
- Preparing the academic calendar of the College and submit it to the Senate for approval;
- Submitting bi annual and annual performance report of the office to concerned offices;
- Performing other related duties of the college instructed by the AVD/CD/ and the President.